We've been at this after work clubbing thing for a long time. In fact we're fairly certain we invented the concept back in 1995. Over the years we've seen The Qoöl Happy Hour morph, change, and change again. For years it simmered away in happy obscurity amid the tall buildings of San Francisco's downtown, and then for a short period of about 8 years it sustained a peak of around the block lines, freakish amounts of buzz, and media attention. It was a thing.
Take any point in the timeline and there was only one thing that mattered. Large crowd or small, under the spotlight or undiscovered, the thing that has always made Qoöl worthwhile is a spirit of "wanting to be there". The people who go to Qoöl and the DJs that play share this spirit and it's what makes the party fun.
Today Qoöl is more like it was in the formative years. Every Wednesday at about 4:30pm our sound guy and unofficial resident DJ Dan Sherman enters the basement at Harlot to switch on the many amplifiers and processing units that power the sound. Upstairs he pieces together the gear for the DJs and discards random things left in the booth at 2am the previous weekend, making a nest for the nights DJs.
Dan gets what's at the core of Qoöl. He's got that "wanting to be there" in him. So do a lot of his friends and their friends too. It's what Qoöl is made of. It's is how a thing starts. Lets see how it goes, shall we?
Alain Octavo gets it =)
A new generation of Qoöl, sitting while the seats are still available.